Florida Peanut Producers Association 2017 Essay Contest

ByFPPA August 23, 2017

We are excited to announce our 1st annual 2017 essay contest open to students all across the State of Florida. We will have two separate divisions: Junior and Senior. The junior level will be for students in grades 6th-8th and the senior level will be for students in grades 9th-12th. The topic for the both essay divisions will be: What comes to mind when you think of peanut production in the State of Florida? The winner of each division will receive a year supply of 12 jars of peanut butter and be featured in our newsletter. We hope you participate in helping us educate the state of Florida on peanut production. Best of luck to everyone!

Rules & Regulations

  1. Must live in the state of Florida with a Florida home address.
  2. Must be in grades 6th-8th or 9th-12th.
  3. Essay format must be 500 words or more in MLA style with 12 pt. Times New Roman font and double spaced.
  4. Title page should include: Name, City/State, Title of Essay (which is the topic), and date you mail it on.
  5. Essays should be sent by mail to the Florida Peanut Producers Association office and postmarked by no later than Monday, October 16th.


Florida Peanut Producers Association

2741 Penn Avenue Suite 1

Marianna, Florida 32448

  1. If you have any questions, please email masonzane13@gmail.com or call (850) 526-2590.