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Florida Peanut Producers Association seeks National Peanut Board nominees.

RELEASE DATE: January 3, 2023
Contact: Ken Barton, Executive Director
Florida Peanut Producers Association
(850) 526-2590

Florida Peanut Producers Association seeks National Peanut Board nominees.

Marianna, Florida – The Florida Peanut Producers Association seeks eligible peanut producers interested in serving on the National Peanut Board. The Florida Peanut Producers will hold a nominations election to select two nominees each for member and alternate to the National Peanut Board during a meeting on February 23, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the Jackson County Ag Complex and Conference Center in Marianna. All eligible peanut producers are encouraged to participate. Eligible producers are those engaged in producing and selling peanuts and who own or share the ownership and risk of crop loss.

William Carte of Live Oak is the current Florida National Peanut Board Member, and Nick Marshall of Baker serves as the alternate. The term for the current Florida board member and alternate expires December 31, 2023.

USDA requires two nominees for each position of member and alternate. The National Peanut Board will submit Florida’s slate of nominees to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, who makes the appointments.

The National Peanut Board encourages the inclusion of persons of any race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. NPB encourages all persons who qualify as peanut producers to attend the meeting and run for the nomination.

It is USDA’s policy that membership on industry-government boards and committees accurately reflect the diversity of individuals served by the programs.

Florida Peanut Producers Association is the state-certified check-off organization for peanuts in Florida and represents Florida’s peanut producers in the areas of research, promotion, and education.

The National Peanut Board represents all USA peanut farmers and their families. The The mission of the Board is to improve the economic condition of USA peanut farmers and their families through compelling promotion and groundbreaking research.


Scholarship Money Available

The Florida Peanut Producers Association is pleased to announce the opening of their 2022 Scholarship Award Program, effective May 2022.

Two $1,200 scholarships will be awarded to deserving high school seniors and/or college students. The applicant or someone in the family must be a peanut grower in Florida, not necessarily a member of the FPPA. Each winner will receive $600 when the scholarship winners are announced. The remaining $600 will be awarded after completing one semester, and documentation of passing grades must be submitted to the FPPA Office. The Florida Peanut Producers Association is committed to helping further the education of young people in Florida. The scholarship program is evidence of our commitment. The committee will make the final selection, and all applicants will be notified by mail. For an application, contact the FPPA office at 2741 Penn Avenue, Suite 1, Marianna, FL 32448, call (850) 526-2590, or download an application on

The Scholarship applications must be postmarked no later than July 1, 2022.