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RELEASE DATE: January 15, 2020
Contact: Ken Barton
Florida Peanut Producers Association


MARIANNA, FL – The FLORIDA PEANUT PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION seeks eligible peanut producers who are interested in serving on the National Peanut Board. FLORIDA PEANUT PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION will hold a nominations election to select two nominees each for member and alternate to the National Peanut Board during a meeting on Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 6:30 pm cst at the Jackson County Agricultural Complex and Conference Center on Penn Avenue in Marianna, FL, 32448. All eligible peanut producers are encouraged to participate. Eligible producers are those who are engaged in the production and sale of peanuts and who own or share the ownership and risk of loss of the crop.

William Carte of Live Oak is the current Florida National Peanut Board member and Jeremy Rolling of Westville serves as the alternate. The term for the current Florida board member and alternate expires Dec. 31, 2020.

USDA requires two nominees from each state for each position of member and alternate. The National Peanut Board will submit Florida’s slate of nominees to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, who makes the appointments.

The National Peanut Board encourages inclusion of persons of any race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation and marital or family status. NPB encourages all persons who qualify as peanut producers to attend the meeting and run for nomination.

It is USDA’s policy that membership on industry-government boards and committees accurately reflect the diversity of individuals served by the programs.
The Florida Peanut Producers Association is the state certified check-off organization for peanuts in Florida and represents Florida’s peanut producers in the areas of research, promotion and education.

The National Peanut Board represents all USA peanut farmers and their families. The mission of the Board is to improve the economic condition of USA peanut farmers and their families through compelling promotion and groundbreaking research.


Scholarship Money Available

CONTACT: FPPA OFFICE (850) 526-2590

Marianna, FL- The Florida Peanut Producers Association is pleased to announce the opening of their 2017 Scholarship Award Program, effective April 1, 2017.

Two $1,200 scholarships will be awarded to deserving high school seniors and/or college students. The applicant or someone in the applicant’s family must be an actively producing peanut grower, not necessarily a member of the FPPA. It is the intent of the Scholarship Award Committee, however, that the award recipients attend a Florida junior college or four-year university.

Each winner will receive $600 when the scholarship winners are announced. The remaining $600 will be awarded after the completion of one semester and documentation of passing grades is submitted to the FPPA Office. “The Florida Peanut Producers Association is committed to helping further the education of young people in Florida and the scholarship program is evidence of our commitment,” said Ken Barton, Executive Director of the FPPA.

“The FPPA welcomes all applicants. The final selection will be made by the committee and all applicants will be notified by mail, as will the scholarship winners,” said Barton.

For an application contact the FPPA office at 2741 Penn Avenue, Suite 1, Marianna, FL 32448, call (850) 526-2590 or you can print the application off the FPPA website The Scholarship applications must be postmarked no later than July 1, 2017.

Download Application

U.S. peanut industry donates 30,000 jars of peanut butter to Capital Area Food Bank

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. peanut industry donated more than 30,000 jars of peanut butter to Capital Area Food Bank in Washington, D.C. on National Ag Day, March 21, 2017. The Capital Area Food Bank is the largest organization in the Washington metro area working to solve hunger and its companion problems: chronic under nutrition, heart disease, and obesity. The donation was made possible by the partners of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, which includes Alabama Peanut Producers Association, Florida Peanut Producers Association, Georgia Peanut Commission and Mississippi Peanut Growers Association.

“We have found that peanut butter is one of the most requested items by food banks nationwide”, says Caleb Bristow, Alabama Peanut Producers Association executive director and Southern Peanut Farmers Federation member. “Not only is it a high-quality product, but it is full of nutrition and tastes great. On behalf of the Southern Peanut Farmer’s Federation, representing peanut farmers all across the Southeast, we are excited and proud to have this opportunity to provide this donation to the Capital Area Food Bank.”

Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., representative of Georgia’s second congressional district, joined the Federation members during the donation.

“I am honored to serve the top peanut producing congressional district in the country. Peanuts are a vital product of Middle and Southwest Georgia, and a key ingredient for an assortment of delicious and nutritious food products,” Congressman Bishop says. “I applaud the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation for their donation of 30,000+ jars of Peanut Proud peanut butter to the Capital Area Food Bank. This kind and generous donation will aid the Food Bank in their efforts to feed and provide for the surrounding community.”

By partnering with 444 community organizations in D.C., Maryland and Virginia, as well as delivering food directly into hard to reach areas, the CAFB is helping 540,000 people each year get access to good, healthy food.

“There is a tremendous need for good nutrition across the US and we are happy to partner with other segments of the peanut industry to provide some relief,” says Ken Barton, executive director of the Florida Peanut Producers Association and Southern Peanut Farmers Federation member.”

Donations from organizations such as the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation are essential to the food

bank’s operations, and allow the Capital Area Food Bank to distribute 46 million pounds of food to its

network of partner nonprofits each year.

“Peanut butter is one of the hardest items to keep on our shelves because it’s protein-packed, kid-friendly, and in high demand from our partners,” said Jody Tick, chief operating officer at the food bank. “We’re thrilled for this donation, and 30,000 jars of peanut butter will go a long way towards helping children and families in our area get the food they need to live well”.

The donation was also made in celebration of National Peanut Month in March and National Ag Day. One serving of peanuts is a good source of protein, vitamin E, niacin, folate, phosphorus and magnesium. Peanuts are naturally cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat.