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Scholarship Money Available

(850) 526-2590

Marianna, FL- The Florida Peanut Producers Association is pleased to announce the opening of their 2016 Scholarship Award Program, effective April 1, 2016.

Two $1,200 scholarships will be awarded to deserving high school seniors and/or college students.  The applicant or someone in the applicant’s family must be an actively producing peanut grower, not necessarily a member of the FPPA.  It is the intent of the Scholarship Award Committee, however, that the award recipients attend a Florida junior college or four-year university.

Each winner will receive $600 when the scholarship winners are announced.  The remaining $600 will be awarded after the completion of one semester and documentation of passing grades is submitted to the FPPA Office.

“The Florida Peanut Producers Association is committed to helping further the education of young people in Florida and the scholarship program is evidence of our commitment,” said Ken Barton, Executive Director of the FPPA.

“The FPPA welcomes all applicants.  The final selection will be made by the committee and all applicants will be notified by mail, as will the scholarship winners,” said Barton.

For an application contact the FPPA office at 2741 Penn Avenue, Suite 1, Marianna, FL 32448, call (850) 526-2590 or you can print the application.  The Scholarship applications must be postmarked no later than July 1, 2016.

USDA Seeks Nominees for Peanut Standards Board

AMS No: 041-16

WASHINGTON, March 15, 2016 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is seeking nominations for peanut producers and industry representatives to serve on the Peanut Standards Board.

The board consists of 18 members with representation equally divided between peanut producers and industry representatives. Representation is divided among three regions: the Southeast (Alabama, Georgia, and Florida), the Southwest (Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico), and Virginia/North Carolina. Each region has three producer seats and three industry representative seats with staggered 3-year terms.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will appoint one producer and one industry representative from each region to succeed members whose terms expire on June 30, 2016. The six new members will serve terms ending on June 30, 2019.

The 2002 Farm Bill established the Peanut Standards Board to consult with USDA regarding quality and handling standards for domestically produced and imported peanuts. The board plays a key role in representing the U.S. peanut industry on issues affecting quality and marketability.

USDA encourages board membership that reflects the diversity of the industry it represents. All eligible women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are invited to seek nomination for a seat on the Peanut Standards Board by the May 2, 2016, deadline.

For nominating forms and additional board information,, or contact Steven W. Kauffman, Marketing Specialist, or Christian D. Nissen, Regional Director, Southeast Marketing Field Office, Marketing Order and Agreement Division, Specialty Crops Program, AMS, USDA; Telephone: (863) 837-1551, Fax: (863) 291-8614, or E-mail: or

Infants & Peanuts, The Latest Research

The benefits of regularly consuming peanut-containing foods early in life to prevent the development of peanut allergy continue even after stopping peanut consumption for one year, according to a new study led by Gideon Lack, M.D., of King’s College London. Lack announced the results at last week’s meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in Los Angeles. National Peanut Board provided funds for LEAP-On and its predecessor LEAP.

Building on 2015 LEAP study

Published in the latest issue of New England Journal of Medicine, the LEAP-On study was the next phase of the LEAP (Learning Early About Peanut Allergy) study, which found that the majority of infants at high-risk of developing peanut allergy (i.e., those with egg allergy, severe eczema or both) are protected from peanut allergy at age five years if they eat peanut frequently, starting within the first 11 months of life.

To maintain tolerance, do subjects have to continue to eat peanut?

LEAP-On asked whether those infants who had consumed peanut in the LEAP study would remain protected against peanut allergy if they then stopped eating peanut for 12 months. The study findings conclude that the early introduction of peanut protects against the development of peanut allergy, and such protection continues even when peanut is no longer consumed for 12 months.

The LEAP-On study was completed with 550 participants. All participants were instructed to avoid peanut for 12 months after they had completed the LEAP study, regardless of whether they had been avoiding or eating peanut in the LEAP study. At the completion of LEAP-On, participants completed an oral peanut challenge. Additional peanut allergy assessments were made by questionnaire, skin prick test (SPT), and peanut-specific immune markers IgE and IgG4 were also measured in participants’ blood.

After one year of peanut avoidance, prevalence of allergy was reduced by 74% for those who were introduced early to peanuts

The study found that at 6 years of age, there was no statistically significant increase in allergy after 12 months of avoidance, in those who had consumed peanut during the LEAP trial (3.6% at 60 months versus 4.8% at 72 months). The study also found that peanut allergy was significantly more prevalent in those who had avoided eating peanuts in LEAP, than those who consumed (18.6% vs 4.8%). There were only 3 subjects from the peanut consumption group who developed new peanut allergy during the 12 months of peanut avoidance, but there were also 3 subjects from the avoidance group who developed new peanut allergy.

The authors therefore concluded that in infants at high-risk for allergy in whom peanut was introduced in the first year of life, and continued until age 5, a 12-month period of peanut avoidance was not associated with a significant increase in peanut allergy. Overall, the study saw a 74% relative reduction in the prevalence of peanut allergy in those who consumed peanut compared to those who avoided.

Unknowns: How much or how often peanut should be consumed in early life to prevent allergy

The authors caution that the LEAP study design did not allow a determination of the minimum frequency or amount of peanut consumption required in early childhood to prevent an allergic response to peanut. Further studies are planned to establish whether the effects of early-life peanut consumption followed by ad-lib consumption of peanut over many years maintains this protection against allergy.