Tyler Brown Wins Young Peanut Farmer of the Year Award

By February 23, 2018

      Tyler started farming on his own in 2005, beginning with watermelons but moved to growing peanuts in 2012 on 70 acres and plans to expand.  He also maintains a small commercial herd (50) of cattle.  He has been working in peanuts all his life.  He began working full-time in 2007 with a local peanut and cotton farmer where they farm more than 1000 acres. He enjoys experiencing … Read More

Florida Peanut Producers Association Holds 43rd Annual Membership Meeting

By February 23, 2018

Florida Peanut Produces Association recently held their 43rd Annual Membership Meeting.  Many farmers from across the state attended and heard presentations on Association activities, Farm Bill update and a peanut supply and demand update.  The highlight of the evening was a presentation given by Bob Parker, President and CEO of the National Peanut Board.  Mr. Parker also introduced a new peanut product, Elmhurst Milked Peanuts.  While Mr. Parker gave some … Read More

Budget Agreement Eliminates Generic Base

By February 15, 2018

Budget Agreement Eliminates Generic Base NCPC releases tool to aid farmers in planning.  Download 2018 Seed Cotton Generic Base and Payment Yield Updating Calculator   Congress cleared a budget agreement and disaster-aid package that has a significant impact on farmers for the 2018 crop year. The budget agreement passed the House by a vote of 240 to 186 and passed the Senate by a vote of 71 to 28. The President … Read More