Scholarship Money Available
NEWS RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: FPPA OFFICE (850) 526-2590 Marianna, FL- The Florida Peanut Producers Association is pleased to announce the opening of their 2017 Scholarship Award Program, effective April 1, 2017. Two $1,200 scholarships will be awarded to deserving high school seniors and/or college students. The applicant or someone in the applicant’s family must be an actively producing peanut grower, not necessarily a member of the FPPA. It … Read More

U.S. peanut industry donates 30,000 jars of peanut butter to Capital Area Food Bank
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. peanut industry donated more than 30,000 jars of peanut butter to Capital Area Food Bank in Washington, D.C. on National Ag Day, March 21, 2017. The Capital Area Food Bank is the largest organization in the Washington metro area working to solve hunger and its companion problems: chronic under nutrition, heart disease, and obesity. The donation was made possible by the partners of the Southern … Read More
Preventing Peanut Allergies: The Full Scoop on New Guidelines
Peanuts and peanut butter are back on the menu for infants, according to new guidelines urging parents to introduce peanut products to their children starting around 4-6 months of age. Released January 5, the National Institute of Health’s new recommendations are based on research that found early and regular exposure to peanut products resulted in the prevention of peanut allergies in a large number of infants. The guidelines explain how to … Read More