(850) 526-2590
Marianna, FL- The Florida Peanut Producers Association is pleased to announce the opening of their 2016 Scholarship Award Program, effective April 1, 2016.
Two $1,200 scholarships will be awarded to deserving high school seniors and/or college students. The applicant or someone in the applicant’s family must be an actively producing peanut grower, not necessarily a member of the FPPA. It is the intent of the Scholarship Award Committee, however, that the award recipients attend a Florida junior college or four-year university.
Each winner will receive $600 when the scholarship winners are announced. The remaining $600 will be awarded after the completion of one semester and documentation of passing grades is submitted to the FPPA Office.
“The Florida Peanut Producers Association is committed to helping further the education of young people in Florida and the scholarship program is evidence of our commitment,” said Ken Barton, Executive Director of the FPPA.
“The FPPA welcomes all applicants. The final selection will be made by the committee and all applicants will be notified by mail, as will the scholarship winners,” said Barton.
For an application contact the FPPA office at 2741 Penn Avenue, Suite 1, Marianna, FL 32448, call (850) 526-2590 or you can print the application. The Scholarship applications must be postmarked no later than July 1, 2016.