The AL/FL Peanut Trade Show will be held Thursday, February 12, 2015 at the National Peanut Festival Fairgrounds located on Highway 231 South of Dothan, AL.
Sponsored by the Alabama Peanut Producers Association and the Florida Peanut Producers Association, the one day event offers farmers the opportunity to view the products and services of more than 75 exhibitors. The show opens at 8:30 am central time followed by a catered lunch at 12 noon. The afternoon’s events include a seed and production seminar.
“We invite and encourage all peanut farmers to attend this year’s Peanut Trade Show,” said Ken Barton, executive director of the Florida Peanut Producers Association. “It’s a great opportunity for farmers to see the latest, most up-to-date advances in peanut production and harvesting equipment and visit with vendors that provide products and services to peanut farmers. The afternoon seminars will provide current information that will be helpful as you make plans for the 2015 production year.”
Thousands of dollars in door prizes will be offered. Cash prizes, gift cards, peanut seed, a shotgun, trip to the Southern Peanut Growers Conference and many more. Kelley Manufacturing Co. is offering as a Grand Door Prize the use of a new 6 Row Peanut Combine, on the winner’s farm, for the 2015 peanut harvesting season, (valued at $15,000), with the option of purchasing the combine through an authorized KMC dealer with $15,000 off the list price. In lieu of the 6 Row Combine the winner can choose the use of another KMC Peanut Harvest Implement with a 10% discount off of the list price for purchase. These discounts are non-transferrable. The winner must be certified as a peanut grower with an FSA farm number, and must be present to win.
For more information please contact the Florida Peanut Producers Association office at 850-526-2590.